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Subway map in the Unknown
Maps in Marble Springs,
Exercise: In Your Arms
Experiment: On Your Own
- Find a map of a real location or draw your own map.
- Mark boundaries
- For each boundary, describe what is there.
- Why is this portion next to that portion?
Team sports
Exchange: Share Your Creations
Share your work in person
Share your work online
- Create a video
- Take a picture
- Render your creation to be read on a computer (use any tool you can).
We'd love to show your work--either send it or send a URL for your work here to be a part of this site.
Fun da mentals:
Links /
Images /
Sounds / Multiple voices /
Node paths /
Spatial placement/
Collage and layering / Fonts / Secrets /
Random /
Glossary / Tools
/ Teacher's Guide