I'm just launching this site now, getting materials ready. Here is a description of my first forthcoming products.

Contact me for more information and pre-orders.

Chronic is what happens when I am asked to write straight. I just can't. I was supposed to write about the History of Electronic Literature, and set everyone straight on what Really Happened in those dark long ago days of the 1990s. um...well... sort of...

Chronic is a handwritten work, with 200 “art” pages, using Rose characters and English. I want to publish this as an art table book with a difference—when you go over the printed pages, you would be able to see the page on your smart phone and hear me read it in two versions: simple (English) and complex (Rose-inflected). There will be no typeset, nicely scripted version. It will all be a handwritten journal style.


A sample page from Chronic

A close up on this sample