Watch these works:
I just want to sit back and let it unfold for me.
- Travis Alber's Dandelion Chance (2008):Video, music, and animated text contemplating a middle class life in a first world country.
- Komninos', a midlife koala ponders life (2004) changes texts to derive meaning.
- Hazel Smith and Roger Dean's, The Egg The Cart The Horse The Chicken(2004) talks of textual fragments.
- Donna Szoke's Buried Treasure (2004) reflects on memories from the holocaust.
- William
Poundstone's Three
proposals for bottle imps, (2003)
- Thomas
Swiss' Genius
- Mikael
And's Seedsigns
for Philadelpho, (2001): A flash work that takes the letters of Philadelpho Menez's name
as a tribute to his intersign poetry.
- Curtis Harrell's Turning Away (1996) changes lines in haikus