A: Altitude
Rose symbol for a:topa: top, best, summit      
Rose symbol for a: middlea: middle, medium         
Rose symbol for a:bottoma: bottom, worst, abyss
B: Courage
Rose symbol for b:overconfidentb: overconfident             
Rose symbol for b:braveb: brave, confident
Rose symbol forb: doubt b: timid, fearful, shy
C: Society
Rose symbol for c: conventionalc: conventional, in-crowd                            
Rose symbol for c:unconventionalc: unconventional, innovative
D: Distance
Rose symbol for d: closed: close, intimate
Rose symbol for d: middled: middle, friendly
Rose symbol for d: distanced: far, formal
E: Time
Rose symbol for e: paste: past 
Rose symbol for e:presente: present          
Rose symbol for e: futuree: future
Rose symbol for if-thene: if then             
Rose symbol for e:time out of timee: beyond time
F: Numbers
Rose symbol for f: infinitef: uncountable, infinite                 
Rose symbol for f: finitef: countable, finite
G: Faces
Rose symbol for g: grinsg: smiles                
Rose symbol for g: straightg: grim, serious
Rose symbol for g: frownsg: frowns
H: Joy and Sorrow
Rose symbol for joyh: pleasure, life, health                
Rose symbol for h: sorrowh: anguish, death, pain
I: Self
Rose symbol for i: outsidei: extrovert        
Rose symbol for i: teami: in group, team              
Rose symbol for i: selfi: introvert
J: Privacy
Rose symbol for j: openj: public, transparent                     
Rose symbol for j:closedj: private, covered
K: Tenacity
Rose symbol for K: fight on, don't give upk: fighting spirit                
Rose symbol for surrenderk: giving in, giving up
L: Caring
Rose symbol for l: lovel: love, caring                     
Rose symbol for l: hatel: hatred, harming
M: Motion
Rose symbol for m: frantic energym: frantic panic
Rose symbol for m: gentle energym: calmly and gently      
Rose symbol for m: no energym: no energy
N: Truth
Rose symbol for n: highest truthn: Higher Truth 
Rose symbol for n: honestyn: honesty         
Rose symbol for n: dishonestn: deception
O: Good and Bad
Rose symbol for o: positiveo: positive                          
Rose symbol for o: negativeo: negative
P: Temper
Rose symbol for p: peacep: peace and patience                  
Rose symbol for p: angerp: wrath and war
Q: Age
Rose symbol for q: matureq: mature, sage                               
Rose symbol for q: naiveq: youth, niaf
R: Memories
r: good memoryr: pleasant memories    
Rose symbol for r: memoryr: memories      
R-bad memoryr: painful memories
S: Shifting
Rose symbol for s: changes: changes in direction                  
Rose symbol for s: sames: stillness into stagnation
T: Potential
Rose symbol for t: possiblet: possible          
Rose symbol for t: procrastinationt: procrastination            
Rose symbol for t: impossiblet: impossible
U: Comprehension
Rose symbol for  u: understandu: understand, get the concept                
Rose symbol for u: incomprehensionu: confound, totally lost
V: Saving
Rose symbol for v: valuev: worthy of keeping                     
Rose symbol for v: discardsv: needing to let go
W: Power
Rose symbol for w: strongw: using strengths                          
Rose symbol for w: weaknessw: understanding weakness
X: Simplicity
Rose symbol for x: simplex: simple outlines                            
Rose symbol for x complexx: complex details
Y: Exposed

Rose symbol for y: safey: sheltered and safe                    
Rose symbol for y: dangery: exposed and in danger
Z: Blessings
Rose symbol for z: thankfulz: blessings multiply                       
Rose symbol for  z:bitterz: resentments simmer